Are you a college student in North Carolina who needs help buying food?
You are in the right place!

Worrying about basic needs like food shouldn’t get in the way of your success.

Every day, millions of Americans — including college students like you — use SNAP/FNS benefits to help them access nutritious food.
But 2 out of 3 potentially eligible college students report not participating in SNAP/FNS. Could you be one of them? Take our short quiz to learn if you’re potentially eligible for SNAP/FNS benefits.

What is SNAP/FNS?

SNAP is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly called food stamps. SNAP, the largest federal nutrition program in the US, is administered by the US Department of Agriculture and provides monthly benefits to purchase food. In NC, SNAP is administered by the NC Department of Health and Human Services and referred to as Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) or SNAP/FNS.

SNAP/FNS participants receive extra money each month for healthy groceries.
Would extra dollars each month for healthy food make a difference for you?
Find out if you might be eligible for SNAP/FNS.

“I work with college students.
Can you tell me more?”

Many students are unaware they may be eligible for SNAP/FNS benefits. Sharing information with your students is a great way to help them learn more.
We’ve got an entire section of the website filled with information and resources that make it easy to inform students about these benefits. Check it out!

Are you eligible?

Are you eligible?